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There are also private drug treatment clinics in existence in the country. Regional programmes, like the national programme, are the basic instruments in the field of drug prevention and drug use among different population groups. Drug markets and drug-related crime. Казахстан и Кыргызстан в настоящее время рассматривают варианты структурных и институциональных рамок их органов по мониторингу наркоситуации. During the dispensary observation period the addicts should receive qualified medical assistance that should lead to long-term remission from their drug use. During the year, the Department for the Prevention of Drug Consumption by Minors participated in the meetings of the regional and city commissions for minors in Bishkek; 31 meetings were held in The purity of heroin varies from 1. The main directions of the national drug strategy — a reduction in the demand for drugs, drug supply reduction, the reduction of consumption, and harm reduction — are in line with international practices in drug policy. The Tashkent city drug clinic, in conjunction with the Department of Addiction of the Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical Education, prepared an hour programme for teachers about the prevention and early detection of drug addiction in children and adolescents.

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The prevalence of HIV in Kazakhstan seems rather stable in the long term. During follow-up, patients should receive adequate medical care leading to prolonged remission. In accordance with Article of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, the illegal manufacture, acquisition, possession, transportation, transfer with intent to sell, and illicit production or distribution of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogues or precursors shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of four to eight years. Ave Talu. According to a study by UNODC , which used a multiplier method, the number of problem drug users PDUs in the Kyrgyz Republic is 26 thousand persons per thousand of the total population , including 25, IDUs per thousand of the total population. The prevalence of IDUs relative to the size of the population in reached 3. Цена каннабиса на улице варьирует от 0,3 евро 0,5 амер. A third OST centre was opened in Khorog in May , where, at the end of , 44 patients had received opioid substitution therapy. Click here to sign up. Наркотики амфетаминного ряда или кокаин у интенсивных потребителей появляются редко.

The components of the model are detoxification, pharmacological treatment of withdrawal symptoms, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and preventive treatment. Pierre and Miquelon St. В региональной полевой оценке «Уязвимость мигрантов и потребности интеграции в Центральной Азии: Основные причины и социально-экономические последствия возвратной миграции», проведенной и опубликованной в году миссией МОМ ЦА и Библиотекой Первого Президента Республики Казахстан Назарбаев Центра в рамках программы ЮСАИД «Достоинство и права», был выявлен ряд факторов уязвимости, которым подвергались трудящиеся-мигранты до введения запретов на повторный въезд и после начала их применения; их можно разделить на правовые недостаточная информированность о своих правах и эксплуатация , экономические снижение доходов и долги и социально-культурные зависимость от неформальных социальных сетей в получении помощи.

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    Recent central estimates of the number of IDUs reach approx. For most of the cases, the treatment in the country is related to mental and behavioural disorders caused by the consumption of opioids F11 in ICD, , and the combined consumption of psychoactive substances F19 in ICD, In , the regulatory framework of the narcological service was improved. The study showed that the first experience with drugs most often took place at the age of 16 and, usually, it was marijuana, amphetamines, or tranquillisers. Read more.

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  • The non-governmental sector, with the support of international organisations, has taken an active part in the implementation of harm reduction programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic. In , the country registered new cases of HIV infection, Of these, Также оказывают поддержку межрегиональному сотрудничеству стран Средней Азии и совместной разработке общего регионального подхода в данной области.

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  • According to a repeated sentinel bio-behavioural surveillance survey BBS , the prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users was 3. The main objectives of the law are the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of people suffering from substance abuse and addiction, establishing bases and procedures for the provision of substance abuse treatment, and the protection and security of professionals providing drug treatment services. Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on administrative responsibility The sampling design is respondent-driven sampling RDS.

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  • Доступность медицинского поддерживающего лечения известного также под названием заместительная терапия опиатами, ЗТО , которое научные организации и экспертные органы2 ООН и ЕС считают основной формой противодействия для стран с преобладающим употреблением опиатов, очень низка хотя и медленно повышается в Казахстане и Таджикистане, немного выше в Кыргызстане, и совсем не существует в Узбекистане, где пилотная программа ЗТ была прекращена в году. The prevalence of IDUs relative to the size of the population in reached 3. The non-governmental sector, with the support of international organisations, has taken an active part in the implementation of harm reduction programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic. However, it is obvious that the seizures of heroin and opium are high compared to those in developed countries, which is to a large extent a consequence of the proximity to Afghanistan and the policing priorities.

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  • The average age at which the drug was first injected was Exclusions apply to people who apply voluntarily for anonymous drug treatment. The most recent available estimate from Uzbekistan, 80 thousand IDUs in , raises doubts among country specialists as being overestimated the results of the estimation of the numbers of IDUs in Uzbekistan in has not been published yet. National overview — Kyrgyzstan 6.

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    The average estimated number of HIV-positive persons in the country ranges between 6, and 10, The trafficking of Afghan drugs and their transit through the territory of Tajikistan continue to be a major focus of drug abuse in the country. The methodology for the estimation of the number of IDUs has remained unchanged since 5. В Узбекистане высший уровень «SMR» у обоих полов наблюдался в возрастных группах 30—34 лет, и особенно 35—39 лет. Купить закладки шишки ак47 в Буйнакске. Несмотря на то, что распространенность употребления какого-нибудь запрещенного наркотика в течение жиз- ни во всех четырех странах Средней Азии, предоставивших информацию далее приводится лишь как «страны Средней Азии» , значительно ниже по сравнению с развитыми странами, распространенность более рискован- ных способов применения наркотиков в частности, употребление наркотиков инъекционным путем сравнима с уровнем стран Европейского Союза. Geneva: WHO. It provides criminal penalties for the illegal purchase, transportation, or storage without the purpose of selling of narcotics or psychotropic substances in large quantities. The total number of clients to use the telephone hotline was 1, persons. In total, during the implementation of the Action Plan Programme for the years —, more than 23 thousand measures were organised, aimed at the primary prevention of drug abuse among young people and with a total coverage of over 1 million people. It describes specific measures for teachers in the event of the detection of drug consumption, the basic principles of drug prevention, work on a school drug dependence prevention programme, and interactive methods of prevention work with the students. The non-governmental sector, with the support of international organisations, has taken an active part in the implementation of harm reduction programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic. Just John Heathershaw. IDU 1.

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    Высшая распространенность употребления запрещенных наркотиков отмечается в Казахстане, в последнее время также в Кыргызстане. Drug-related deaths and mortality of drug users. В региональной полевой оценке «Уязвимость мигрантов и потребности интеграции в Центральной Азии: Основные причины и социально-экономические последствия возвратной миграции», проведенной и опубликованной в году миссией МОМ ЦА и Библиотекой Первого Президента Республики Казахстан Назарбаев Центра в рамках программы ЮСАИД «Достоинство и права», был выявлен ряд факторов уязвимости, которым подвергались трудящиеся-мигранты до введения запретов на повторный въезд и после начала их применения; их можно разделить на правовые недостаточная информированность о своих правах и эксплуатация , экономические снижение доходов и долги и социально-культурные зависимость от неформальных социальных сетей в получении помощи. Problem drug use. Regional drug treatment clinics conduct annual monitoring of the proportion of patients in remission among all the patients of the dispensary who are registered as drug users. Altogether, 5, children born in 2, boys and 3, girls were interviewed. There are more than 50 codes according to the approved N4 reporting form ; injecting drug users are tested under the code List of Abbreviations. This, however, might not always reflect only the trends in drug use in the field, but also the administrative focus on the specific problems in the given years, and the availability of resources for the operations of the system that feeds the registers. The declared purpose of prophylactic observation is to prevent the development of drug addiction. Through trust points, 11, information and educational materials were spread more than 7. Role training simulation of a meeting with the parents is provided.

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    The proportion of females among registered users has been decreasing recently except Kyrgyzstan, where it is rather stable , varying from 3. In total, 5, respondents were interviewed. A third OST centre was opened in Khorog in May , where, at the end of , 44 patients had received opioid substitution therapy.

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  • In total, during the implementation of the Action Plan Programme for the years —, more than 23 thousand measures were organised, aimed at the primary prevention of drug abuse among young people and with a total coverage of over 1 million people. Injecting drug users represented a total of 2,, including citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, who numbered 2, In deter- mining the period of compulsory treatment, clinical parameters duration of the disease, severity of clinical manifestations of the syndrome according to the severity of personality disorder and the level of social pathology are taken into account. У нас лучший товар, который вы когда-либо пробовали! Outpatient treatment other than substitution treatment was provided to persons in in it was persons , which represents 3. The average estimated number of HIV-positive persons in the country ranges between 6, and 10, According to the demographic characteristics, the largest number of patients treated in belonged to the male sex

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    On the contrary, Those who asked for HIV tests received anonymous pre- and post-test consultation. Программы обмена игл и шприцов NSPs существуют во всех четырёх странах Средней Азии и их количество в последние годы относительно постоянно. In , those who received substitution therapy 1, persons represented There were patients in the above centres at the beginning of It uses the data as of 1st January and where data are available and important, newer ones. Report content on this page.

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    All these cases were sporadic, and did not turn into regular use. At the end of the number of patients was The proportion of females among registered users has been decreasing recently except Kyrgyzstan, where it is rather stable , varying from 3. Из всех вытекает, что распространенность наркотиков среди мужчин приблизительно в два раза выше, чем среди женщин. There are 17 youth health centres in the country, supported by the Republican Centre for Healthy Lifestyles, that provide comprehensive medical and psychosocial services on the basis of a friendly manner towards young people. National overview — Uzbekistan 8. In addition, each region approved regional programmes to combat drug abuse and drug trafficking.

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  • As of April methadone substitution therapy programmes were implemented in 20 facilities. Drug prices in Tajikistan increase in proportion to the distance from the state border. This, however, might not always reflect only the trends in drug use in the field, but also the administrative focus on the specific problems in the given years, and the availability of resources for the operations of the system that feeds the registers. Drug traffickers use all types of transport for drug delivery, from horse-drawn transport in the border areas and ending with air transportation. In the past three years, the number of patients treated in state drug dispensaries has tended to decrease. Injecting drug users represented a total of 2,, including citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, who numbered 2,

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  • Авторы оценки подчеркивают необходимость построения доверительных отношений между мигрантами, государством, диаспорами мигрантов и местными сообществами, чтобы укрепить «иммунитет» мигрантов к экстремистской идеологии в будущем. Regional drug treatment clinics conduct annual monitoring of the proportion of patients in remission among all the patients of the dispensary who are registered as drug users. В Кыргызстане в г. HR programmes cover almost the entire country. In , in Bishkek, Jalal-Abad, and Osh, and in areas of the Chui, Jalal-Abad and Osh oblasts 46 ONEs were operating, including 15 for syringe exchange in prisons 10 in correctional facilities and 2 in detention centres. Strategy and harm reduction programmes started to be implemented in Kyrgyzstan in According to studies performed within the framework of DAMOS, the probability of death for any cause is substantially higher for people that were registered in the narcological register than for people that were not, e. В настоящее время, наверняка, это более важно, чем когда-либо раньше. Кроме того, в каждом регионе утверждены региональные Программы по борьбе с наркоманией и наркобизнесом. Количество программ в последние годы относительно стабильно. The World Factbook. Pierre and Miquelon St. Such a large estimated number of injecting drug users in the country is doubted by drug treatment specialists and more reliable analysis is required using standard scientific epidemiological methods. Trust points provide free access of the target group to free anonymous and confidential help. The administration of addiction: the politics of medicine and opiate use in Soviet Tajikistan, — Johnny G. During , contracts were made with patients; patients dropped out, completed the treatment.

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  • Afghanistan is a very strong external factor influencing situation and policy in CA countries, placing an emphasis on the supply reduction side of the drug policy. In , 14, IDUs independently attended trust points, which is It provides criminal penalties for the illegal purchase, transportation, or storage without the purpose of selling of narcotics or psychotropic substances in large quantities. Needle and syringe programmes NSPs exist in all four CA countries and their number has been rather stable in recent years. Currently, the legislation concerning drugs in the Kyrgyz Republic is contained in 11 articles of the Criminal Code and two articles of the Administrative Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. Data on the purity of drugs are available only from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In , the country registered new cases of HIV infection in men, in women , among whom were citizens of the country, including those with AIDS, who numbered 95 21 women, 74 men ; there were 5 foreign nationals 3 females, 2 males.

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